Selected by an independent committee, Six new commissioners join the ICHR Board of Commissioners

30 June 2022
Selected by an independent committee,  Six new commissioners join the ICHR Board of Commissioners


Ramallah – Based on the Principles relating to the Status of National Institutions (Paris Principles), six new commissioners jointed the Board of Commissioners of the Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR). The new membership was based on a recommendation of the independent Selection Committee established in accordance with the Bylaws of the ICHR Board of Commissioners. The new Commissioners will commence their functions starting at the beginning of 2023.

The new Commissioners are Dr. Hala ash-Shuaibi, Dr. Ali as-Sartawi, Ms. Sama Uweidah, Mr. Wassef al-Kahen, Dr. Mukheimar Abu Sa’dah, and Ms. Amaal Siyam. Selected from among many nominees to serve as members on the ICHR Board of Commissioners, these will replace Commissioners whose term of office will expire by the end of 2022.

Ensuring a transparent selection, ICHR Commissioners are selected by an independent advisory committee. An advertisement for nominations to the ICHR Board of Commissioners is published in local newspapers and on the ICHR website. This allows an opportunity to those interested and fulfil conditions to join the Board of Commissioners.

Members of the independent advisory committee for the nomination of ICHR commissioners include the Chair of the Palestinian Bar Association, a former Chair of the High Judicial Council, civil society representatives selected by relevant networks, academics, and former ICHR Commissioners General.

The ICHR Board of Commissioners is the highest body that supervises ICHR operations and approves ICHR policies, plans, and budgets. According to the ICHR Statute, Board membership includes 17-21 Commissioners, who represent Palestinians in Palestine, the Diaspora, and Palestinian territory occupied in 1948.